COVID passes in use in Helsinki Congress Paasitorni as of 28 November 2021

The Finnish government has agreed on new COVID restrictions on restaurants, which will apply to licensed premises and restaurants open in the evening. The restrictions will enter into effect as of Sunday 28 November in areas where the coronavirus is spreading. At that time, Helsinki Congress Paasitorni will start checking COVID passes as an alternative to restaurant restrictions.

The use of COVID passes will allow events to be organised without restrictions, while ensuring safe and responsible operations in Paasitorni.

The COVID passes of guests coming to events will be checked in the entrance lobby. We require a COVID pass from all persons aged 16 and over.

For more information about the COVID pass, please click on this link

Instructions for event organisers

Are you holding an event in Helsinki Congress Paasitorni? Please remember that event organisers must inform the participants, performers and exhibitors at their events about the current COVID pass policy.

For more information, please contact Paasitorni sales service at +358 (0)9 7089 611,